Internships and Service-Learning in Spain


Internships in Companies and Service Learning

Are you looking for hands-on work experience to help launch your professional career? One of the best ways to impress prospective employers is to complete an international internship! Students appreciate the unique opportunity Spanish Institute provides through our internships and volunteering program.

With the option to either intern at a wide selection of companies, or to volunteer in one of many non-profit organizations, you will have the chance to gain invaluable work experience in the specific field of your choice. You’ll also get to practice Spanish, make new contacts and friends, and get to know beautiful Seville, famed for its deeply historic and cultural roots.

Internship and Service-Learning placements are offered as part of a study-abroad program or as free-standing experiences. They are designed to be credit-worthy with an integrated academic experiential learning course. Most placements require at least intermediate Spanish language skills, some require a higher level, and a small number are with entities that function in English or with minimal Spanish.


  • Business
    • International trade. We offer internships in international companies, tourism agencies and ICT corporations. Tasks include everything from digital marketing, press coverage / monitoring, PR distribution, SEO strategies, web content, and social media trends. In some companies, English is essential.
    • Accounting and finance.
    • Marketing and information technology.
      • Graphic design
      • Website localization
      • Social media technology
    • Public relations
  • Health
    • You can do internships in rehabilitation, cognitive therapy, audiology centers, sports health and physiotherapy.
  • Journalism
    • Internship collaborating in a digital magazine where you can investigate and collect news for articles in the office or at events in Seville and its surroundings. Tasks include translating articles, working on external communications, proofreading and editing, and you have an opportunity  to publish articles.
    • Local newspapers
  • Education
    • You can do internships in private regulated education centers (Early Childhood Education, Primary, Secondary), nurseries, and language schools.
    • Work with students with special educational needs (Autism, ADHD, …).
    • Work in sports schools.
    • Educational Support
  • Translation
    • Choose to carry out your internship in companies that offer translation services in different corporations and specific translation agencies.
  • Art and culture
    • Internships in foundations, galleries and museums. You will be able to research, offer guided tours and work in international communications and social networks.
  • Planning of social events and / or academic events.
  • Travel
    • Agencies
    • Glamping
  • Ecological Agriculture
  • Sports
    • You can choose to help facilitate daily routines for teams to be more effective. Or you can do sports marketing, or organize visits to schools. You can also learn some sports medicine.
  • Media, Marketing
    • In this field you can develop many aspects, from photography and communication to creating promotional materials, marketing on social networks, advertising events, increasing the vision and dissemination of a project, disseminating the vision and mission of the company through an understanding of the company, communicating with bloggers, helping create SEO marketing strategies …
  • Tourism, Museums
    • In these practices you will develop an understanding of the company’s products and services, create promotional materials, and help coordinate events at the museum. Help visitors by greeting them and giving them a short explanation when they enter, participate and develop our guided tours in English.
  • New: Online Business Internships in areas such as Journalism, Information Technology and Education.


As a volunteer you can play a fundamental role in the community by helping in different environments. Your volunteer experience will mean personal growth in your life. Protecting the environment and helping people are the values ​​that drive the volunteer programs we offer in non-profit organizations:

  • Social: Homeless people, educational support, child protection, LGTB, environment, sports and community development.
    • Social, racial and environmental justice
    • Center for Seniors
    • Down Syndrome Association
    • Child Care Assistance to families at risk of social exclusion
    • Women’s Center
    • Gender issues
    • Environment
    • Child Protection
    • Sports support for children with disabilities
    • Entertainment workshops for children in long hospitalization
  • Health: soup kitchens, assistance …
  • International: Immigrants, refugees, soup kitchens, legal assistance…


  • Quality companies: We carefully select institutions offering internships or volunteering positions.
  • True Spanish Experience: Spanish Institute will accompany you in your immersion into the Spanish culture making your visit an unforgettable experience.
  • Live Andalucía: art, history, tradition, gastronomy and much more.
  • Personalized Programs: we adapt to your needs because you are unique.
  • Spanish Institute is 100% dedicated to our students. We strive to make your stay abroad a wonderful, unique and enriching experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Our programs ensure personalized attention at every step of the process.


Spanish Institute’s orientation gives students vital information about adapting to life in Spain, the program, schedule, safety, activities, transportation and your volunteer or internship program.


Spanish Institute’s program includes an intensive two-week Spanish Course for all two or more month placements. There are four session of class a day and activities in the afternoons. During this time students get to know the city, the transportation system, the cuisine and they improve their Spanish skills.

Our Spanish courses are designed so that students reach an effective and operating level of Spanish in a short time, they concentrate on being able to think and communicate fluently in Spanish. These courses are the perfect opportunity to start learning or to improve your level of Spanish. The program goes beyond class hours, creating an environment with interesting activities and you are also in contact with native speakers. The methodology is participatory, intensive and mainly oral. The classes are fun and at the same time require the interest and motivation of the students.

At Spanish Institute for Global Education we follow a communicative approach to teaching. The fundamental objective of this methodology is for students to learn to communicate in Spanish in a wide variety of contexts and situations. In addition to the language, the students have the opportunity to learn about our culture and the most current issues of our society.


  • Spanish placement test before coming to Seville.
  • Orientation Program (with information about your training, the city, how to move around, timetables, local holidays, health issues, and safety, etc)
  • Two-week intensive Spanish course at the beginning of the program, 20 sessions per week (16 in the classroom + 4 outside the classroom).
  • 4 cultural activities during the first 2 weeks of the program.
  • Internship or Service-Learning work in a quality organization according to your preferences. We contact the organizations and prepare a MOU or collaboration contract.
  • Liability insurance.
  • Support from Spanish Institute throughout the program.
  • Spanish Institute emergency telephone number, 24/7 assistance.
  • Transport card (bus, metro, and tram).
  • Participation certificate.



The Spanish Institute Internship and Volunteer Program include two weekly Discover Seville cultural activities or one Discover Andalusia excursion during the first two weeks of the program.

Before your arrival, we will send you our complete program of activities with their prices, so that during the rest of your stay you can choose more activities to participate in.


School of Record: Students Earn U.S. Credits for Spanish Institute Courses

An official transcript of U.S. credits is available for Spanish Institute courses through our School of Record. Students should ensure that their home institution awards credit for their chosen program. The Spanish Institute offers the necessary documentation for these procedures.

See our School of Record Page.



  1. Spanish Institute for Global Education gives a certificate to the participants at the end of their program, detailing the specialty, the duration, and the task performed.
  2. Letters of recommendation are available upon request.


The Spanish Institute supports Internship and Service-Learning placements as part of a semester study-abroad program or as a free-standing program on a unique calendar.

Starting every Monday.

Students choose the length, minimum 2 month.

Exceptionally, a one-month Program can be done but only in the field of Education.


We optionally offer accommodation in a shared apartment.

In this accommodation, you will share the apartment with other international or Spanish students.

For further information please click here


A homestay option is available. Living with a family allows our students to fully discover the Spanish culture, life, and people.

For further information please click here


Our health insurance gives access to the best private hospitals and of course, covers everything related to COVID-19. If a student is unwell or contracts this disease, the doctor may prescribe everything from the necessary tests to hospitalization in case of seriousness.

Spanish Institute has developed a COVID protocol to be able to track incidents that may occur, how to prevent and what to do in case of contagion.

All our programs include a 24/7 emergency service.

The insurance guarantees:

  • Principal Medical Health Assistance
  • Emergencies
  • Medical specialists
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Hospitalization
  • Specialist treatments
  • Preventive medicine
  • Second opinion
  • Travel assistance
  • Repatriation insurance
  • Liability insurance


Exceptionally, a four-week program can be done but only in the field of Education: € 1,360

Internships and Service-Learning positions are unpaid


  • Internships or Service-Volunteering position in Education Field
  • Spanish Language and Culture Intensive Program
  • Cultural activities in Seville


  • Internships or Service-Volunteering position
  • Spanish Language and Culture Intensive Program
  • Cultural activities in Seville


  • Internships or Service-Volunteering position
  • Spanish Language and Culture Intensive Program
  • Cultural activities in Seville


  • Internships or Service-Volunteering position
  • Spanish Language and Culture Intensive Program
  • Cultural activities in Seville


  • Internships or Service-Volunteering position
  • Spanish Language and Culture Intensive Program
  • Cultural activities in Seville


  • Internships or Service-Volunteering position
  • Spanish Language and Culture Intensive Program
  • Cultural activities in Seville



Individual Application Process


Real Internship Experiences

3 Videos

In this video, we share the experience of one of our students, Sophia, during her internship at the school farm “Cuna,” one of our collaborators. Sophia, originally from New York, has been in Seville since August and tells us about her incredible 9-month experience in this beautiful city. Sophia has spent her second semester as an intern at the “Cuna” farm, where she has learned a lot and enjoyed every moment. She talks about her love for the animals, the wonderful people she has met, and how she has improved her Spanish during her stay. Don’t miss her testimony and discover how international internships can be an enriching and transformative!

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