Live Online Spanish Workshops


Would you like to enhance your Spanish classes with a guest speaker from Spain? Open the doors of your classroom to the world of Andalucía!

The workshops focus on interesting topics that will bring you to Spain. Your students will be immersed in the history, culture, heritage and language firsthand with a native teacher.

Join our virtual classroom where the workshops are given in an interactive way allowing the students to participate and engage in the activities that will immerse them in the Spanish speaking world and motivate them in their language classes.

Life in Spain

Life in Spain

It is important to know a little bit about the geography, history, culture, food and society of a country when we learn a language. In this session we will talk about the Spanish lifestyle. You might end up deciding to visit us in Sevilla and live a life changing experience!

In this session we will talk about the most relevant aspects of life in Spain.

  • Geography: Where is Spain? How is its territory organized?
  • History: we are going to travel in time to understand Spain today.
  • Heritage: this historical tour has left important monuments in our heritage. We will see some examples.
  • Politics: Do you know what the political situation is? It is important to know the politics of the country. We will talk about the similarities and differences with your country.
  • Religion: we will discover how religion is lived in Spain. Is there anything that surprises you?
  • Currency: the euro. Has it always been like this?
Spanish Cinema

Get to know Spain and Spanish people and culture. Films show us about the way a society lives, the way they act, the way that we feel… It gives us the chance to have a close look at everyday life.

Eating in Spain

Spain is a showcase for the Mediterranean diet. The most important aspects of this diet include legumes, seasonal fruit and vegetables, fish, meat (chicken, ham, pork and beef), olive oil and a moderate consumption of dairy products; mainly cheese and yoghurt. This healthy diet has awarded Spain with the world’s longest life expectancy!

¡Buen provecho!

Holy week. It already smells like easter!

The goal of this workshop is to bring students closer to a celebration with years of tradition in Spain. This religious celebration takes place everywhere in the country but it is specially known the way they celebrate it in Andalucía and more specifically in Sevilla: The Holy Week. Students will get to know this celebration through images and videos that will make them travel there and become the protagonist of this experience with the guide of the teacher.

April Fair, we are looking forward to the fair in Seville!

With this workshop we want to take students to one the most famous spring festivities in Spain. It is celebrated in Seville and “Sevillanos” wait for this with enthusiasm the whole year long: La Feria de Abril.

Students will have the chance to learn about the origin of this fun celebration that started as a cattle sales fair and how it developed into a “fiesta” that gathers people from all over the world.

To finish the workshop we will even show you some basic steps of the folk dance so you can feel part of the party.

The festival of the bulls. Tradition, Culture, Business...? Controversy

The main goal of this workshop is to explain to students about this controversial celebration. We are providing them with objective information to help them think about this Spanish tradition. By the end of the workshop students might get their own opinions, against or in favor and share them in a debate with the class.

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