COVID Protocol


At Spanish Institute for Global Education, the health and safety of our students, teachers and staff is of utmost importance to us. We have installed an air purification system in our classrooms with HEPA filters, activated carbon, nano-silver technology and ionizers for the safety of our students.

We have established this protocol in accordance with the recommendations established by the National Health Authority.

  • Entrance to the Forum building: the building entrance will be kept clear to avoid crowds.
  • Entry and exit zones to the Forum building: an entry zone and an exit zone are established at the main doors. The students will always go to Spanish Institute following the entry and exit arrows. There is a hand sanitizer at the entrance.
  • Elevators: elevators should not be used unless strictly necessary for mobility issues. Only one person can use the elevator at a time.
  • Common areas and rest areas: the common areas or passageways will be used exclusively by the students and staff, avoiding their use for other types of activities.
  • Forum building restrooms: the restrooms will be accessed individually, keeping a social distance with other people in the common areas. The maximum capacity is 2 people. It is mandatory to wash your hands and use the hand sanitizer before and after using the toilets. Restrooms will be disinfected throughout the day.
  • Classrooms: the classroom furniture will be organized in such a way as to maintain a safety distance of more than 1.5 meters between students and teachers. Tables and chairs will be disinfected before each new class. The windows and doors of each classroom will remain open whenever possible to promote good ventilation. At least every half hour, the class has to be aired out for 5 minutes. The air filter must remain switched on during the class.
  • Material: students will bring their own material to class, these elements cannot be shared among classmates.
  • Individual measures for Spanish Institute staff and students: it is mandatory to wear a mask all the time and to wash hands with soap or use the hand sanitizer before the start of classes. There will be hand sanitizers at the entrance and in all of the classrooms and offices.
  • How to act if there is a possible case of COVID among teachers or students? As soon as there is evidence of a possible case, we will act according to current legislation. Students will be informed via mobile phone by WhatsApp. In case of confinement, classes will be taught through the platform Google Meet. It is only necessary to have an internet connection and a computer, tablet or mobile phone. Those students who are not familiar with this system can contact the academic director who will explain the platform.

IMPORTANT: You will not be able to attend the center when symptoms compatible with COVID19 appear. The most common symptoms are: fever, dry cough and fatigue and loss of odor. The center has a non-contact thermometer. In the event that the center staff detect any of these symptoms, the student will have to return to his/her host family or shared apartment and self-quarantine.

Self-quarantine measures: when you self-quarantine you should remain in your room as much as possible, and if you are having trouble breathing or you are feeling worse you should call 112.

Checklist: what to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms

Situation and evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain

Thank you very much for your collaboration.


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