Study Abroad in Spain


Attend a Spanish university to live the full Spanish dream!

For students seeking a full semester of credits but who have not obtained a Student Visa to study in Spain, the Spanish Institute offers a no-visa, ninety-day program.  Students take up to four courses at the University of Seville, plus the Spanish Institute’s «Spain Today» course.  Ninety days is the full duration of the University of Seville semester, and students will receive an official transcript for their courses.  In addition, an official transcript is available from our School of Record for the Institute’s «Spain Today» course.  Academic excursions are included in the ninety-day program as are all other services provided to our full-semester students.

Spanish Institute Partner Institutions

Official transcripts are issued by each Spanish university for courses taken at each one, and an official transcript is available from our School of Record, the University of Montana, for Spanish Institute courses.


Closely linked to the history of Seville and Andalusia, the University of Seville combines the values of tradition with being an innovative institution of quality and excellence. It is a university as cutting edge and cosmopolitan as the city of Seville itself and can boast a history of more than 500 years.

Cursos Concertados

These courses for international students are part of the international program at the University of Seville and offer a wide variety of classes to choose from. The “cursos concertados” offer an advanced level and a general level and are both taught in Spanish by professors who teach the courses based on the fact the students understand and speak Spanish fluently. There are also courses in English for those who do not yet have a high enough level of Spanish.

See the catalogue

Philology Faculty (includes courses in the following areas):

Marketing Painting
Business Theater
Advertising Grammar
Cinema Literature

Faculty of Geography and History (includes courses in the following areas):

Flamenco Economics
Art Anthropology
Cooking Political Science
Music History

* Each class meets for 4 hours each week. Students will receive a transcript with their grades, and will receive credit from their own university for classes completed.


  • Personalized University Programs: we adapt to your needs because you are unique. We help you choose one of three prestigious universities in Seville.
  • True Spanish Experience: Spanish Institute will accompany you in your immersion into the Spanish culture making your visit an unforgettable experience.
  • Live Andalusia: art, history, tradition, gastronomy and much more.
  • Accommodation:
    • Stay with a host family to learn and improve your Spanish, share your day to day experiences and enjoy the delicious homemade Spanish cuisine.
    • Living in Seville and sharing an apartment with other students will be a very pleasant experience. Spanish Institute offers all services, including meals, cleaning, and laundry.
  • Spanish Institute is 100% dedicated to our students. We strive to make your stay abroad a wonderful, unique and enriching experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. Our programs ensure personalized attention at every step of the process.


Seminar throughout the program: «Spain Today»

The objective of this seminar is to accompany students throughout the program, address issues of Spanish society and facilitate a deeper learning of Spanish. This Seminar is offered at the levels of elementary, intermediate and advanced Spanish depending on the number of students and their grammar, composition and conversation skills. The 45 hour seminar is available as a credit-bearing option. Students should ensure that their home institution awards credit for this seminar.

Contents of the seminar:

  • Women and the evolution of society in Spain.
  • The Spanish educational system.
  • Political organization in Spain: Autonomies, Parliamentary System, Monarchy.
  • Unemployment, immigration and emigration.
  • Religion and its manifestations in Spain.
  • Political parties in Spain.
  • Overcoming the Civil War.
  • Greatnesses of Spain: transplants, …
  • Economy and productive forces of the country.
  • The Mediterranean diet and the influence of history on the way of eating in Spain.


  • Academic program at the University of Seville.
  • A seminar on «Spain today» throughout the program at Spanish Institute.
  • Class material.
  • Academic advice before coming to Seville, tutoring, and mentoring during your stay.
  • Spanish placement test before coming to Seville so that our academic director can advise you on the subjects and prepare your personal program.
  • Accommodation with a host family in Seville with full room and board; three meals a day throughout your stay.
  • Participation in the Language Exchange Program
  • Documents needed to obtain entrance in Spain.
  • Health insurance for non-European nationals with access to the best private hospitals in the city.
  • Spanish Institute emergency telephone number, 24/7 assistance.
  • Airport or train station transfer at the beginning and end of the program.
  • Welcome Pack.
  • Transport card (bus, metro, and tram).
  • Opportunities to practice speaking with local students.
  • Excursions and cultural visits in Seville and Andalusia.
  • Welcome and farewell tapas celebrations.
  • Support from Spanish Institute throughout the duration of the program.
  • Academic certificate.

Optional Services

  • Placement/mentorship for Research or Creative Independent Study Project (internship/service learning).


The Study Abroad Program program includes accommodation with a host family in Seville with full room and board; three meals a day throughout your stay.

Living with a family allows our students to fully discover the Spanish culture, life, and people. At Spanish Institute we believe that this is an important aspect of the program.

The academic year program includes accommodation with a host family and offers the option of staying during the winter holiday period at an additional fee.

For further information about homestay please click here


Our health insurance gives access to the best private hospitals and of course covers everything related to COVID-19. If a student is unwell or contracts this disease, the doctor may prescribe everything from the necessary tests to hospitalization in case of seriousness.

Spanish Institute has developed a COVID protocol to be able to track incidents that may occur, how to prevent and what to do in case of contagion.

All our programs include a 24/7 emergency service.

The insurance included in our program guarantees:

  • Principal Medical Health Assistance
  • Emergencies
  • Medical specialists
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Hospitalization
  • Specialist treatments
  • Preventive medicine
  • Second opinion
  • Travel assistance
  • Repatriation insurance


The Spanish Institute Study Abroad Program includes all of the activities of Discover Seville and Discover Andalusia


You will receive an official transcript from the university in Seville where you take courses. Students should ensure that their home institution awards credit for their chosen program.

School of Record: Students Earn U.S. Credits for Spanish Institute Courses

An official transcript of U.S. credits is available for Spanish Institute courses through our School of Record. Students should ensure that their home institution awards credit for their chosen program. The Spanish Institute offers the necessary documentation for these procedures.

See our School of Record Page.


  1. Spanish Institute for Global Education gives a certificate to the participants for the courses taken at the Spanish Institute detailing the dates, duration, and the name of the course (sillabi available on request)
  2. Spanish Institute for Global Education gives a certificate to the participants at the end of their Independent Study Project program, detailing the specialty, the duration, and the task performed.
  3. Letters of recommendation are available upon request.


Arrival Date: September 15, 2024

Departure Date: December 13, 2024 



  • Standard load of five courses:
  • Seminar and practical Spanish (offered by the Spanish Institute)
  • Direct Enrollment at the University of Seville: up to four courses taught in Spanish or English
  • Optional Placement/mentorship for Research or Creative Independent Study Project (internship/service learning) (+€400)
  • 12-15 US Credits
  • Host Family
  • Full Board
¿Cómo son las clases?

Tienes la opción de tomar clases en una de las tres universidades, la Universidad de Sevilla, la Universidad Pablo de Olavide o el Centro Universitario EUSA. Se ofrecen una variedad de materias en español e inglés. Por lo general, recomendamos elegir clases de los cursos para estudiantes extranjeros en lugar de tomar clases tradicionales y regulares para estudiantes españoles porque la estructura y el contenido de las clases pueden ser muy difíciles incluso sin la barrera del idioma. Todo está naturalmente inmerso en el entorno cultural y es difícil de entender sin partir del mismo trasfondo. Si te animas a hacerlo, porque tienes un alto nivel de español, te apoyaremos y ayudaremos en tu decisión, muchos alumnos lo han hecho. Los programas para estudiantes extranjeros son muy interesantes y variados, puedes encontrar más información sobre las clases en los sitios web de la universidad.

¿Cómo puedo saber cuál es mi nivel de español?

Cuando llegues, o incluso antes de venir, harás una prueba de nivel con nosotros. Esto te guiará y nos ayudará a asesorarte en la toma de decisiones sobre asignaturas, actividades y otras opciones.

¿El programa nos proporciona los libros y el material de clase?

Al inicio del curso el programa te entregará todos los materiales para la orientación. Los materiales y libros de las clases universitarias debes adquirirlos tú.

Me gustaría hacer prácticas o ser voluntario. ¿Puede Spanish Institute ayudarme a planificarlo?

Spanish Institute cuenta con un programa de prácticas en escuelas y empresas. También tenemos una lista de oportunidades de voluntariado. Todos los programas de prácticas y voluntariado deben solicitarse a través de la universidad de origen antes de la llegada. Al final de tu estancia obtendrás un certificado.

¿Es necesario tener carnet de estudiante internacional?

Las universidades españolas te entregarán un carnet de estudiante universitario. La tarjeta de estudiante internacional no es imprescindible, pero es bueno tener una. Puedes obtener un descuento en muchos lugares de Europa con una tarjeta de estudiante. Hay varias organizaciones que pueden darte tu carnet de estudiante. El siguiente enlace es uno de ellos: Tarjeta de identidad de estudiante internacional.

¿Necesito visado para venir a España?

Si eres de un país de la Unión Europea, no es necesario. España también tiene acuerdos con muchos otros países fuera de la Unión Europea, y sus ciudadanos pueden permanecer en España sin visado si la estancia es inferior a 90 días. Sin embargo, si te quedas más tiempo, necesitarás un visado de estudiante. Debes solicitarlo a través del enlace del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores: Una vez te hayas matriculado en Spanish Institute, y si tu estancia va a ser superior a los 90 días, te enviaremos los documentos para la solicitud del visado de estudiante. Es un proceso largo, por lo general tarda 45 días, por lo que debes comenzar la solicitud lo antes posible. A cualquier estudiante que alguna vez haya necesitado un visado se le ha asignado uno, ¡así que no te preocupes! Sin embargo, debes tener en cuenta que no todos los consulados funcionan de la misma manera, y en algunos lugares el proceso es más difícil que en otros. También debes saber que si vas a quedarte un año académico, debes proporcionar tus antecedentes penales, lo que hace que el proceso sea aún más lento.

Visados durante la pandemia COVID19

En el párrafo anterior se puede encontrar la información general para la obtención de visados, pero lamentablemente en este momento la normativa internacional ha cambiado y es muy posible que de un país a otro la situación sea diferente dependiendo de su lucha contra el COVID19. Te ayudaremos a conseguir un visado que te permita estudiar en España enviándote los documentos y certificados necesarios para demostrar que todo está en orden y demostrar tus serias intenciones de estudiar en Sevilla.

¿Puedo viajar los fines de semana?

¡Sí! Recuerda que Spanish Institute organiza excursiones por toda Andalucía, así que consúltanos antes de planificar cualquier viaje. Es buena idea pensar adónde te gustaría viajar para que cuando llegues aquí puedas comenzar a planificar tus viajes. Te recomendamos que trates de no viajar solo, habla con algunos de los otros estudiantes que conozcas aquí para ver si puedes viajar con un amigo. Existe un programa llamado STEP UP dirigido por el gobierno de los EEUU que es gratuito y ofrece a los estudiantes estadounidenses que estudian en el extranjero actualizaciones de seguridad para los lugares a los que viajan. Te recomendamos que también registres tus viajes con ellos, para mantenerte informado de todo lo que sucede en la zona. Además, recuerda presupuestar los viajes secundarios de antemano. Es muy recomendable aprovechar los vuelos más económicos a varios destinos. También querrás experimentar la vida en Sevilla, así que no viajes todos los fines de semana.

Nueva situación con COVID19: durante la pandemia debes reducir tus viajes a los estrictamente necesarios. Lamentablemente, es una situación imprevista que debemos abordar con el compromiso de cuidarnos y estar en entornos más controlados.



Please contact us via email ( where we will send you a doodle form to set up a zoom meeting at the most convenient time for you.


Individual Application Process


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